The Navigation Inn Comedy Night


At The Navigation

Price £8 - £12
Times 19:30 - 22:00

The Navigation Inn Comedy Night


Late Stage Comedy and the Navigation Inn are proud to present a monthly comedy night on the first Friday of each month featuring some of the best comedians on the circuit.


This intimate 60-seater venue is a fantastic place to experience live comedy and we pledge to bring you a range of excellent acts to ticket your funny bones.


The event is up a flight of stairs and in not accessible.


This is an 18+ event.


Your Line Up Tonight:


Tony Cowards


Tony is a rapidfire gag merchant with an arsenal full of one-liners, for laughs-per-minute he's a tough act to beat! His quick wit has made him a sought after act and compere by comedy clubs and promoters across the UK and even for gigs worldwide.


Something of a Twitter sensation, Tony's jokes turn up in all sorts of places, from greetings cards to The Times newspaper, even if you've never heard of him there's a good chance that you'll have laughed at one of his gags.


Anthony Williams

One of the most respected promoters in the Midlands. Anthony is part of RockCentral Promotions and is a dab hand at comedy himself. Get ready for twenty minutes of great comedy from a personable, lovable act. Bring a lighter.


Don Biswas

Don Biswas is one of the gems of the circuit. A politically charged gag merchant who likes to cover a wide range of subjects including his Asian upbringing, his neurodiversity as someone with dyspraxia, ADHD, and ASD and even the most important of topics.. conspiracy theories. Don has gained huge admiration off all corners of the circuit.

"A phenomenal gag teller with an engaging stage persona, Don Biswas shows all the signs of a truly great comic”

Broadway Baby

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6 Wilford Street, Nottingham

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