Vix Leyton: Antihero


At The Navigation

Price £6
Times 21:00 - 22:00

Follow up to 2022's "Pedestrian'' a greatest hits show that weaved together anecdotes into a narrative on the quirks of becoming an adult and realising that the day you feel like a ''grown up'' doesn't exist framed by a ''near death'' experience with a bicycle on Dalston high street. Anti-hero delves deeper into the human psyche as Vix explores the notion of people pleasing - a theme for her life she didn’t even realise she had until she started stand up comedy. Can you be the main character without being a good guy? Do you really have to strive to be 'better' as you get older? Can't you just be worse? 


A bit of personal experience, a bit of theory. You should come to this... but no worries if not. 


Discovered by Mark Watson on Twitter in 2019, Welsh comic exiled to London, Vix Leyton is a natural storyteller with a keen eye for observation, combining warm, whimsical charm, as well as a PR hustler. You’ve probably heard of her, you just might not know how. Her panel show podcast 'The Comedy Arcade' is both an audio success and compelling live show, picking up a nomination for Leicester Comedy's best podcast in 2021 and racking up sell out shows at Edinburgh Fringe last year with Underbelly. Regular MC for pro nights including Red Imp Comedy, Poodle Club and resident MC for Kingston Outside the Box. She is also the promoter of the infamous church gig ‘Have I got pews for you’ and regular legal prosecutor for ‘This is your trial’


Robin Ince: “Bursting with impish energy, exudes an infectious delight” Mark Watson: "Vix has a talent for reading a room and playing with an audience. She is funny, charismatic, resourceful and likely to achieve great things” ‘Charming, surprisingly dark and gonna be famous’ Andrew O’Neill * my favourite ever review. ‘Like hanging with your funniest BFF.’ Fringe Biscuit ‘joyously full of funny’ The Scotsman ‘Affable and ebullient’ Steve Bennett, Chortle 


6 Wilford Street, Nottingham

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