The Luckiest Girl Alive

Thursday 20 June 2024

At New Art Exchange

Price £3 - £6
Times 19:00 - 20:30

The Luckiest Girl Alive is a sensitive and inspiring puppet show based on the extraordinary life of activist, campaigner and FGM survivor, Hoda Ali. This story recounts Hoda’s warm, loving childhood memories of Somalia and her epic journey across the globe to heal herself physically and emotionally from the dangerous complications of FGM. The moments of horror are balanced by moments of light relief, provided in the humanity in her story.

The show is followed by an audience Q&A.

A note on access: This show will have British Sign Language interpretation.


  • Cost: Booking is required. £6 full-price, £3 concessions (no proof of concession is required). Free tickets available for people currently seeking asylum; enquire at box office. Book via the event listing:
Luckiest-Girl-Alive-Hoda-Rod-Puppet.-Own-Photo (1)-114657.jpg

39-41 , Gregory Boulevard , Nottingham

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