Three Blind Mice TTO

Today - Sunday 18 June 2023

At The Newshouse

Price Free
Times 16:00 - 23:00

A whole weekend of delicious beers by Ely's finest brewery, Three Blind Mice. Famous for their amazing NEIPAs and tasty stouts we'll have a full complement of 5 cask and 4 keg beers from them on the bar all weekend whilst the Nottingham Craft Beer Festival takes place just up the road at the market.

If you buy 1/3 of each of the 9 beers we'll put you in a raffle to win some Castle Rock merch! We'll also do 10% discount for anyone with a NCBW ticket on all of the Three Blind Mice beers 🎉🎉

123 Canal Street, Nottingham

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