ALLSORTS: Chronic Insanity Open Mic Night


At Nonsuch Studios

Price £10 - £0
Times 18:00 - 22:00

Award-winning theatre company, Chronic Insanity, bring their gig-theatre scratch night to Nonsuch Studios and tickets are completely Pay What You Decide. No need to book, just turn up and enjoy!

Gig-theatre is exactly what it sounds like; the music and atmosphere of a gig mixed with the storytelling of theatre. Come along, grab a drink, and watch and listen to the most exciting emerging performers in the East Midlands.

Taking part is easy, let us know in advance or turn up on the night. Anyone can come and perform, so if you want to be heard, come make noise with us!

Don't worry if you don't know how to do gig-theatre; If you want to perform theatre, tell a story, read a poem, or do some improv, we'll provide the music to go alongside it. If you want to play music, we'll supply the theatre.

It's been a shit couple of years, let's just get together, get creative, and forget about it for an evening. Everyone is an artist, let's all be artists together!

Contact Chronic Insanity to sign up in advanced at, using the email subject ALLSORTS SIGN UP.


92 Lower Parliament Street, Nottingham

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