

At Nonsuch Studios

Price £0
Times 19:30 - 20:30

Days after Andrew ends his seven-year relationship with college sweetheart, Jake, he is messaged out of the blue by a former ‘friend’. This unwelcomed advance triggers an emotional spiral as Andrew recounts his unstable first steps into the world of gay sex and queer identity; all under the increasingly imposing guidance of Kevin, a teacher at his drama academy.

???? (West End Evenings)

"A brave production that sheds light on a topic that doesn't get talked about" ???? (A Young (ish) Perspective)

"A joy to watch” ???? (London Pub Theatres)

“an effortlessly revelatory hour of theatre" ????? (A Younger Theatre)

"Although a one-man show, Naughty has all the elements of a distressing two-hander." ???? (The Reviews Hub)

92 Lower Parliament Street, Nottingham

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