PURDAH [Working Title]


At Nonsuch Studios

Price £0
Times 19:00 - 21:00

Purdah is about finding your place in the world. Mir realises they are Genderqueer whilst working in a binary, tick-box and oppressive Job Centre. This play explores identity and mental health against the backdrop of a patriarchy disguised as a matriarchy. In a reality where computers talk, virtual life and real life are blurred, we peer into Mir’s mind and lived experience.

This narrative is incredibly timely, with the insidious media coverage on Trans & Queer bodies, the cost of living crisis, an ever-growing society of people experiencing burnout, & mental ill health - not to mention the gaping disparity between the rich & those experiencing poverty. Purdah will expose all these cracks & fill them with glitter. 

This event will delve into the process & outcome; sharing and discussing our co-creation R&D with 10 local Queer Artists (our Creative Mentees on the project), and sharing sections of our new play, Purdah.

Mind Out Theatre was set up in 2017 to champion women, femme, non-binary and Queer voices & stories. We make bold, funny, & daring shows; often dark comedies that begin in familiar, mundane environments and descend into the surreal & absurd to magnify societal stereotypes, & injustices. 

We collaborate with Theatre Makers, and devise together, valuing lived experience and theatre making experience equally, examining how non-hierarchical we can be in exploring new stories;  the process of making is as important as the outcome! 

Mind Out is innately political in both content of our plays & our way of working; we are committed to embedding access & wellbeing holistically throughout our projects & finding new ways to actively involve community groups in making high quality theatre. 

Mind Out Theatre will register as a Community Interest Company this year as part of the latest Arts Council funding that we received.


92 Lower Parliament Street, Nottingham

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