YESYESNONO presents we were promised honey!


At Nonsuch Studios

Price £12 - £0
Times 19:30 - 21:45

The show that we’re about to do is a story of the future. The story we’re going to tell is the story of us. I’m going to tell you this now: it doesn’t have a happy end.


A lone performer tells the story of the future of the audience; what’s going to happen to them in the decades, centuries, millenia after the end of this show. It’s the story of a baby born in a lighthouse, of someone on fire in the middle of the desert, of two lovers reunited in a flooded city, of a spaceship on the edge of a black hole.

Everything has already been decided. This is the story of the end.


From the makers of Five Encounters on a Site Called Craigslist and The Accident Did Not Take Place comes an act of communal storytelling. A hopeful, hopeless

prophecy for earth and humankind. A story of us, our future, of paradise and how we get there in the end.

92 Lower Parliament Street, Nottingham

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