Society Of Authors Presents: Ian C Douglas’ Worldbuilding for Speculative Fiction-a World Of Your Own


At Nottingham Central Library

Price £5.5 - £0
Times 10:00 - 12:00

Whether you write fantasy, sci-fi or anything in-between, at some point you may need to invent your own world. It could be another Narnia, Middle Earth or Earthsea. Alternatively, if you've got warp drive, you might be visiting Tatooine, Pandora or Gallifrey. One of the most fun aspects of speculative fiction is making up your own imaginary land. But it's not that easy! How do you avoid boring readers with too much background information? Can you to achieve internal consistency? Can you make your world original and outstanding? Author Ian C Douglas, the maker of a few make-believe locations himself, will look at methods for building consistent and compelling imaginary worlds, the pitfalls to avoid and tools to help you keep on top.


Participants  are welcome to bring in their own work in to use in the practice exercises. The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly with a break in the middle.


This workshop is part of the Society of Authors' summer programme at the Nottingham Central Library

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Angel Row, Nottingham

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