Exhibition Launch Party: Allan Weber and Daniel Lind-ramos


At Nottingham Contemporary

Price Free
Times 18:30 - 23:00

Join us to celebrate the launch of our two new exhibitions by Allan Weber and Daniel Lind-Ramos - both artists' first major exhibitions in a European gallery.

The power of memory and storytelling is central to Daniel Lind-Ramos' work. He creates evocative sculptural assemblages that reflect Puerto Rican historical and contemporary experiences.


Working across a range of mediums including assemblage, installation, sculpture and photography, Allan Weber’s practice acts as a vehicle to deconstruct the realities of daily life within the favelas of Rio de Janeiro.


Galleries Open 6.30-9pm

Blend at Contemporary Open until 11pm with a night of DJs alongside delicious food and drinks.


This exhibition launch, like all our programme, is free admission for all but donations are both encouraged and needed. As a registered charity, every donation – no matter the size – makes a big difference. Suggested donation £5. Thank you.




If you have any questions around access or have specific access requirements we can accommodate, please get in touch with us by emailing info@nottinghamcontemporary.org or phoning 0115 948 9750.



Weekday Cross, Nottingham

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