Making a World Of My Own: Writing and Experimentation


At Nottingham Contemporary

Price Free
Times 17:30 - 21:00

Nottingham is a hub for writers who pushed the boundaries of writing and science, combining the creative with the logical, the rhyme and the reason. Held at the unique Nottingham Contemporary, the Nottingham Hub launch event celebrates the achievements and legacies of three local women writers – Margaret Cavendish (philosopher, poet, scientist), Ada Lovelace (mathematician and writer), and Lucy Hutchinson (translator and poet) – and will showcase and explore the current achievements in and future directions of writing. The event will be joined by Nottingham UNESCO City of Literature, shortlisted writers for the 2023 Royal Society Trivedi Science Book Prize, Nicklas Brendborg and Lev Parikian, and Chair of Judges Alain Goriely, along with archivists from Nottinghamshire Archives and from the University’s Manuscripts and Special Collections, and researchers in print media, philosophy, and AI.


This event will have creative activities, performances, readings, and discussions. Audiences can create their own experimental writings, meet published authors, enjoy book signings, and more.


This event is part of the University of Nottingham's festival Hub programme.


If you are interested in this event, then you may also be interested in other literature and writing events Nottingham Hub has to offer:


Playing with Poetry: Seeing the World Through Viking Rhymes (11th November, 10:00 - 12:30)

Shakespeare's Bears: Animals in Shakespearean Drama (11th November 19:00 - 21:00)

Timber! Creative Writing, Poetics, and Feminism (14th November 18:30 - 20:30)


Find out more through the links.



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