Performance: Goner by Markiscrycrycry


At Nottingham Contemporary

Price Free
Times 18:30 - 19:30

A live, suspenseful choreography delving into the depths of psychological horror. Exploring alienation, migration, violence and more, it crafts radical visual culture from the marginalised perspective and engages a new Black tradition of horror in live performance.

The Goner is someone who is doomed with no chance of survival—bound to death, a lost and hopeless case.

This work follows this figure on a sensuous, suspense-filled and fearsome choreographic journey into the psychological depths of the Goner’s horror. Lightly touching on the topics of abuse, Caribbean migration, alienation, belonging, addiction, and violence, Goner is utilising the formal tools of solo authorship and the aesthetics of horror to create radical visual culture from the marginalised perspective, and to tease out and establish a Black tradition of horror for the live context. How do we look at culturally specific narratives against a backdrop of thrilling, bloody, and psychological horror?

Who knows

but there will be blood


Weekday Cross, Nottingham

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