Wednesday Walkthrough: Ridykeulous


At Nottingham Contemporary

Price Free
Times 12:00 - 15:30

Join us for a Wednesday Walkthrough – a gallery tour where artists, experts, researchers and academics give short talks in their field of expertise relating to the concepts explored in our current exhibition.

Nottingham Contemporary presents Ridykes’ Cavern of Fine Inverted Wines and Deviant Videos, curated by Ridykeulous . This bold and spirited exhibition will take place across all four of our large-scale gallery spaces and features the work of over 30 “très gay” contemporary visual artists working across film, video installation, sculpture and performance.

In this walkthrough Dr Cüneyt Çakırlar, Associate Professor in Film and Visual Culture at Nottingham Trent University, explores Ridykeulous' engagement with queerness, collectivity, and curatorial activism.


Weekday Cross, Nottingham

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