Welcome Walkthrough: Mukwazhi, Zahedi and Kotátková


At Nottingham Contemporary

Price Free
Times 12:00 - 13:00

Our Welcome Walkthrough is a great introduction to Nottingham Contemporary, the current exhibition, featured artists and their work.

Led by our friendly and knowledgeable team or community partners, the Welcome Walkthrough is a relaxed but social space to experience our brand new exhibition. Moving around the galleries together as a group, we steer clear of jargon whilst sharing insights on artworks, inviting visitor thoughts and answering questions.

After the Welcome Walkthrough visitors are invited to the café to continue conversations over refreshments (optional).

The Welcome Walkthrough is the first in our regular Wednesday Walkthroughs which run throughout the duration of each exhibition, offering opportunities to explore artists, themes and works in more depth.

Weekday Cross, Nottingham

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