Access Nottingham

Today - Saturday 7 October 2023

At Nottingham Playhouse

Price Free
Times 19:00 - 19:30

Come and explore The Real History of Deaf & disabled communities in Nottingham during the run of The Real & Imagined History of the Elephant Man.


Access Nottingham is a brand-new exhibition delving into stories and histories from deaf & disabled people in Nottinghamshire, with photographs and artefacts that take us as far back as the 1800s, as well as stories from the current day.


This exhibition presents a fascinating insight into these Nottinghamshire communities past and present. Join us to track the altering perceptions of disability, and to consider what has changed and what still needs to happen.

This exhibition has been co-created with Disability Support, My Sight Notts, National Federation of the Blind (Notts), Nottingham Playhouse, Nottinghamshire Deaf Society, Nottinghamshire Disabled People’s Movement, and Portland College.

Featuring exhibits including braille technology through time, the journeys of historical organisations and schools, and photographs spanning the last 200 years – don’t miss this beautiful celebration and collection of local Deaf & disabled history.

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Wellington Circus, Nottingham

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