It's a Trap! the Improvised Star Wars Show


At Nottingham Playhouse

Price £10 - £12.5
Times 19:30 - 20:30

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Dropping out of hyperspace, for one night only, IT'S A TRAP! The Improvised Star Wars Show boldly returns to Nottingham Playhouse, to seek out new life in a galaxy far, far away.

Hilarious unscripted tales from a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. You can expect a celebrated blend of Jedi, jokes and Jawas. Over the course of an hour, see agents on both the Dark and Light side of the force, struggle to make their way through an ever expanding galaxy; on a collision course that can only end in a trap of galactic proportions.

IT'S A TRAP! was a best improv show finalist at the 2022 Leicester Comedy Festival. It has been seen across the country from Bristol to Birmingham. Truly geeky, hilarious entertainment. This IS the show you’re looking for.

Nominated for Best Improv Show at Leicester Comedy Festival 2022

“The bright centre of the universe” Notts Comedy Review.
"Improv Heroes" Metro.
"Hootini!" Jawa chief Engineer.

Age Recommendation: 14+

Wellington Circus, Nottingham

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