FREE Surviving by Storytelling Workshops


At Online

Price Free
Times 19:00 - 20:30

Are you a carer? Do you look after a family member, partner, or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, mental health problem, or addiction, and needs your support?


Join us for a FREE, ONLINE creative writing workshop and meet likeminded people with whom you can share your thoughts!


Our Surviving by Storytelling workshops are lead by writer and Assistant Professor of Mental Health, Mark Pearson from the University of Nottingham, and Dr Helen Foster, writer, researcher, and poetry therapy practitioner. Mark and Helen will be on hand to support you as your write about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences around your own mental health.


Whether you're already writing or new to creative writing and want to give it a go, all are welcome, although priority will be given to people living, studying, and working in Boston, Lincolnshire.


Spaces are FREE but are first-come, first-served - so make sure to sign up soon!


This workshop takes place Wednesday 31st May, 7 - 8.30 pm, online.


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