The Publishing Industry: an Introduction - Talk and Q&a


At Online

Price £3
Times 19:00 - 20:00

The Talk:


Join Annie Warren for an online talk on Zoom about the fundamentals of the publishing industry, followed by a Q&A.

Ever pondered the role of an agent in the publishing process? Wondered about the responsibilities of an editor or the creative process behind designing a captivating book cover? Are you feeling a bit lost, unsure where to take those initial steps? If these questions feel like a maze of mystery to you, then this session is precisely where you need to be.

If it's all a mystery to you, then you're in the right place.


Annie Warren:


Annie Warren is a writer and editor who has been working in the travel publishing industry since 2019.
Annie worked as a commissioning travel editor at Rough Guides until last month, when she went freelance in order focus on her own writing.
As an editor, she has worked on almost a hundred guidebooks, including the brand new LGBTQ+ guide to Europe which she pioneered and commissioned.




The event will take place on Zoom. A link to the Zoom call will be sent to you via Eventbrite before the workshop starts. Please contact us at with any questions.

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