The WI Nottinghamshire is hosting a talk by Dr Charlotte May, from the University of Nottingham, on the Caves of Nottingham. This is open to non-members.
An event as part of the University of Nottingham's History Festival.
Price is £7.00 with refreshments (closing date 16 October to book tickets) – all proceeds go to Federation funds.
To book tickets please contact Nottingham Federation of Wis, Trent Bridge House, Beastmarket Hill, Newark, NG24 1BN with contact name, email and address (if tickets are to be posted out). Email:
Pay by cheque: payable to Notts Fed of Wis and sent to above address.
Pay by BACS: use ref BT027 – bank details: Virgin Money, Sort Code: 05 06 22, Account Number: 50342581; Account Name: Notts Fed WI Reg.