Boosta Post Piano Session


At Peggy's Skylight

Price £18 - £0
Times 20:00 - 22:00

Davide ‘Boosta’ Dileo was born in Turin, Italy, in 1974 and is an artist with a career spanning twenty five years. Keyboardist and co-founder of Italian alternative rock band Subsonica.


Together they recorded eight studio albums, including eight platinum records, sold more than 50,000,000 copies, released four live CDs and and the band continues to enjoy a successful live career. His electronic and piano instrumental album “Facile” (2020), entered the classical music charts on all major broadcasting channels. He has written, played, produced and remixed for numerous artists (from Mina to Depeche Mode, Placebo to Roberto Bolle). Composer of scores for cinema, commercials and TV series (including the Italian political drama 1992 and 1993, produced by Sky).


In 2021 he inaugurated the Davide Dileo Cabinet in Turin: an exhibition gallery where sound becomes a work of art. Here he transforms music into NFT collectibles, and has started an exhibition and installation career in the most iconic places in Italy. In the autumn of 2022, the 6-part album “Post Piano Session” has been released by his label: Torino Recording Club.



Please purchase seated tickets from us.
Standing tickets are available via the Citizen Live website

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3 George St, Hockley, Nottingham

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