Crossland & Wilkinson: Tea and Coffee On Arrival*


At The Playwright 38

Price £6
Times 15:30 - 16:30

Congratulations on your new role at Crossland & Wilkinson! We look forward to welcoming you and your fellow drones to our friendly corporate megafamily at your induction. Our friendly charming Welcome Team will lead this session taking you through the history of our firm, your insignificant place in our happy team and whatever it is that we actually do. Crossland & Wilkinson is one big family, and all our faceless drudges are valued equally. There’s nothing sinister happening here.

Stand-up comedians Emma Crossland and Sam Wilkinson used to work in offices and it did something to their brains which will never be repaired. They had no choice but to join forces and write a show that’s part stand-up, part theatre (ooo-oooh!), part graph, and 100% jokes which will be tragically recognisable to anyone who’s spent all day staring at a spreadsheet. 

*Tea and coffee not provided.

Crossland and Wilkinson-114535.jpg

38 Shakespeare Street, Nottingham

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