Video Materials | Primary's Residents & Members


At Primary

Price Free
Times 11:00 - 18:00

As part of Primary’s reopening season, we will host a programme of events and activity showcasing and platforming work by Primary’s resident and member community. This includes over 60 artists, makers, musicians, curators, and creatives at all stages in their careers, working across all media.  

This programme will kick off with Video Materials, a showreel comprising video and moving image work by Primary residents and members. 

Exhibiting artists: Alison Lloyd, Belén Cerezo, Caroline Locke, Debra Swann, El Morgan, Frank Abbott, Ismail Khokon, Jo Wheeler, Nastassja Simensky, Nick Mobbs, Pete Ellis, Tom Harris, Rachel Jacobs, Reactor, Rebecca Beinart, Rebecca Lee, Roger Suckling, Simon Raven, Wayne Burrows and Yelena Popova.

33 Seely Road, Nottingham

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