Nottingham Philharmonic Orchestra Family Prom: Fire & Ice


At Royal Concert Hall

Price £6 - £29.5
Times 18:00 - 21:00

Fiery, exciting music that will warm you up includes Fawkes the Phoenix from John Williams' score for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, a rhythmic Conga del Fuego, The Infernal Dance from Stravinsky's The Firebird and the theme from Chariots of Fire. Along the way there's a musical trip on the Polar Express and a Troika (sleigh ride) courtesy of Prokofiev's Lieutenant Kije, plus the Dance of the Tumblers from The Snowmaiden, the Skater's Waltz and Let it Go from Frozen.


With music for all the family, there is surely no better way to banish those winter blues than joining the NPO for some orchestral Fire & Ice.


Theatre Square, Theatre Square, Nottingham

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