Fantastic Numbers and Where to Find Them, Part Of the University Of Nottingham Public Lecture Series


At School of Life Science building

Price Free
Times 18:00 - 19:00

Fantastic numbers and where to find them: a journey to the edge of physics


Professor Tony Padilla, Professor of Physics


Can numbers explain black holes, the holographic truth and the problem of the cosmological constant?


Join leading theoretical physicist and YouTube star Tony Padilla, as he explores the most extraordinary numbers in physics, and how they explain fundamental truths of the universe.

In this talk, you'll discover how unusually big, small and worryingly infinite numbers are the key to unlocking these mind-bending phenomena.


Copies of Tony's latest book, Fantastic Numbers and Where to Find Them: A Cosmic Quest from Zero to Infinity, will be available to purchase at the end of the lecture.


This lecture is part of the monthly science public lecture series. These events showcase research from scientists at the University of Nottingham and are free and open to all!

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University of Nottingham, University Park Campus
Nottingham , NG7 2RD

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