Cathy Grindrod – Writing Poetry Workshop, and a Poetry Reading


At Southwell Library

Price £5 - £8
Times 11:30 - 17:00

This event forms part of Nottingham Libraries’ Inspire Poetry Festival


11.30-1.30  Poetry Tonic Workshop

Be inspired and revive your creativity with this workshop led by poet and writing coach Cathy Grindrod. In this workshop, you’ll have the opportunity to write poems from inspiring prompts, share your writing and get to know the work of some of our contemporary poets. This supportive and nurturing workshop aims to improve your confidence as a poet, and reap the wellbeing benefits that writing poetry can bring.


Cathy will be reading from her new collection of poems later in the day. You can purchase just a workshop ticket or both workshop and live performance tickets below.


3.30-5.00 Surrender Poetry Reading
Surrender is about what we learn as we follow our own path through gain and loss: when to fight and when to surrender, and above all, how to be ourselves, how words and writing can be used for good, and how important it is to trust our own voices, to speak out for what we most believe in and ensure we are heard


Cathy will read from her Surrender collection (Five Leaves Publications) and chat about her life in writing.


Suitable for adults (16+). Booking advised.
£5 Workshop only
£8 Workshop + performance
£6 Performance only


The Bramley Centre, King Street, Southwell
NG25 0EH

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