Gather plants for free: Learn propagation techniques


At STAA on St Ann's Allotments

Price £0
Times 10:00 - 12:30

Want to learn how to create plants for free?! Come and spend the morning touring our gardens trying out different propagation techniques. Once you have mastered this skill you will be able to easily produce all manner of herb, fruit and ornamental plants throughout the year.

  • Learn by observing nature in action how we can reproduce plants.
  • Try out a variety of different techniques such as stem cuttings and layering.
  • Understand the principles behind propagation techniques, and the best methods for tending to them during their establishment.
  • Take cuttings from your favourites home.

Facilitated by Jen from STAA, this workshop takes place on the beautiful Nursery Garden at St Ann's Allotments.

Opposite 80 Ransom Road, Nottingham

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