Our soil is the key to healthy and bountiful plants. However, it varies greatly, each garden having its own wonders and limitations. This workshop combines an appraisal of your own soil with learning ways to increase its potential.
- Bring a jar of soil along to test.
- Investigate the properties of your current garden or allotment medium.
- Discover the plants that will love it and the plants that will loathe it.
- Learn about a variety of techniques to improve your soil.
- Discover how to create the perfect compost.
- Try making your own liquid plant feeds.
- Look at how and when to sow green manures, the plants we use as natural soil improvers.
- Take a tour of our composting bays and wormeries, to meet the creatures that make the magic happen, and collect a compost ‘starter culture’ to take home.
Facilitated by Jen from STAA, this workshop takes place in the beautiful Nursery Garden at St Ann's Allotments.