Learn to make Summer fruit preserves


At STAA on St Ann's Allotments

Price £0
Times 10:00 - 12:30

Journey into jam making with Alice Hewkin, renowned Nottingham purveyor of quality jams, preserves, pickles and chutneys.

During this workshop you will have the opportunity to make delicious preserves and learn about how to use a variety of locally-grown soft fruits to delight your friends and impress your family. Kick off the summer with this masterclass. Whether you like your preserves on toast or scones, come and get jamming.

  • Be all set for the upcoming season of soft fruits.
  • Have the skills to preserve gooseberries in June right through to the last blackberries of autumn.
  • Find your store cupboard full by winter.

Opposite 80 Ransom Road, Nottingham

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