Weave your own willow flowers and dragonflies


At STAA on St Ann's Allotments

Price £0
Times 13:30 - 16:00

Come and weave your own small rustic garden sculptures. Learn how to sculpt your own dragonfly and flower in a relaxed group setting.

We will have all the materials, tools and guidance for you to make your own one-of-a-kind decorations. These structures require a mix of weaving techniques, so we will take on each one as a group, and you will leave with a whole new set of willow skills!

If you move them inside in Winter, these decorations will last for a number of years, and will be admired by all your visitors!

This session will be led by Lucy Kennedy in the strawbale building at the beautiful Community Orchard gardens.

Opposite 80 Ransom Road, Nottingham

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