Conversations with Kith

Today - Saturday 10 June 2023

At Surface Gallery

Price Free

Conversations with Kith

3rd – 10th June

Opening Night: Friday 2nd June, 18:00 – 21:00

Lydia Crump / Uta Feinstein / Pam Fletcher / Sara Gaynor / Nic Gear / Margaret Gettens / Anne Samuel / Mo Scott / Ju Smith / Janet Wootton

Surface is delighted to present Conversations with Kith, a group exhibition from Kith Artist Collective.

Founded in 2016, Kith is a multidisciplinary collective with strong connections to Nottingham and the East Midlands. Conversations with Kith brings together work from ten members whose respective practices encompass painting, printmaking, photography, sculpture, installation and moving image. Diverse in both approach and execution, each artist works within their own visual language, developed through a process of interrogation and experimentation.

Conversations with Kith runs alongside Conversations with Lines, a solo exhibition by founding Kith member Nic Gear. This presents a perfect opportunity to reflect on the relationships between these respective bodies of work, and the dynamics of how two very different exhibitions may resonate and speak to each other.

Conversations with Kith opens in the Project Space in conjunction with Conversations with Lines: A Solo Exhibition by Nic Gear in the Main Gallery. As always, there will be a donations bar with ales from local brewery, Pheasantry.

Free Entry: Everyone Welcome

Opening Hours:

Opening night: Friday 2nd June, 18:00 – 21:00

Exhibition dates: 3rd – 10th June

Tuesday to Friday: 11:00 – 17:00

Saturday: 11:00 – 17:00

Where to Find Us:

16 Southwell Road, Nottingham, NG1 1DL




Twitter: @surfacegallery

Instagram: @surfacegallery

16 Southwell Rd, Nottingham

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