An Afternoon With Simon Winston Bem, Holocaust Survivor

Thursday 20 February 2025

At The National Holocaust Centre and Museum

Price £0 - £5
Times 13:00 - 14:30

We are delighted to announce that Simon Winston BEM will be speaking on Thursday 20th February from 13:00 - 14:30.


What’s it like to be forced to hide from the Nazis in a pigsty as a child?  


To have your life saved by a scrubbing brush? And eventually, to become a Nottingham Forest supporter in a wonderful new country he is proud to call home?


Simon Winston tells all.


Book now to hear Simon’s powerful story, to ask him questions and to see the poignant sculpture dedicated in our beautiful gardens to Simon’s hidden childhood.


The Centre will be open from 10:00 to 16:30 to allow members of the public to visit exhibitions and memorial gardens 


Acre Edge Road, Laxton, Nottinghamshire
Newark , NG22 0PA

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