Princess and Superheroes Party


At The National Ice Centre

Price £0 - £47
Times 10:30 - 12:30

👑🏰 ✨ Calling all princesses and superheroes across the land… ⚡🦸🦸‍♂️


Between 10.30am-12.30pm on 30 December, we’re hosting the most magical skating party of all time! Especially for families, this is the ultimate fancy dress party for your little ones.


Whether you’re looking for a happily ever after or a wham, bam, pow time, this party is going to be amazing fun. Expect music, balloons, and a sprinkling of fairy dust…!


Don’t forget that children aged 5 and under skate for free!


The skating parties are very popular so pre-book your tickets online to avoid disappointment. Please give yourself plenty of time to arrive and put your skates on.

Bolero Square, Nottingham
Nottingham , NG1 1LA

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