Demijohn Terrarium Workshop


At The Watered Garden

Price £60
Times 13:00 - 15:00

Welcome to our Demijohn Terrarium Workshop, the perfect blend of learning and hands-on activity for plant enthusiasts. This class offers a comprehensive introduction to the practicalities of building and maintaining a self-contained ecosystem within a demijohn bottle.

Guided by us, you'll delve into the core aspects of terrarium setup, understanding the importance of layering, plant selection, and moisture management. You'll be provided with all the necessary tools and materials, including a demijohn bottle, a selection of tropical plants, substrates, and care guidelines.

This workshop emphasises the learning of key skills in terrarium creation - from selecting the right plants based on your light and humidity availability to understanding the role of substrates such as activated charcoal and moss in maintaining the health of your terrarium.

The session is about 2 hours long and by the end, you'll be taking home your own crafted demijohn terrarium and an enhanced knowledge of terrarium care. If you can build a demijohn, you can build any type of terrarium!


Unit 11 Gedling Street
Nottingham , NG1 1DS

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