Kokedama Workshop


At The Watered Garden

Price £40
Times 13:00 - 15:00

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Japanese gardening with our Kokedama Workshop. Kokedama, or 'moss ball', is a traditional Japanese art form that involves wrapping the root ball of a plant in moss with the option to suspend in the air or display as a decorative centre piece.

Under our guidance and supervision, you'll be introduced to the intricate process of Kokedama creation. You'll explore the ins and outs of plant selection, root preparation, and the shaping and binding of the moss ball.

With the provision of all the necessary tools and materials, including your chosen plant, moss and care instructions, the workshop is a comprehensive platform to learn, create, and appreciate this unique botanical art form.

Upon completion of the 2 hour workshop, you'll be taking home your very own Kokedama masterpiece, a testament to your newly acquired skills.


Unit 11 Gedling Street
Nottingham , NG1 1DS

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