Plant Care Drop-in


At The Watered Garden

Price Free
Times 11:00 - 16:00

Welcome to our free Plant Care Drop-in, a regular gathering for plant enthusiasts of all levels at The Watered Garden. These sessions provide you with an open, relaxed environment where you can bring your questions, concerns, and your plants!

We'll be on hand to offer practical advice, from troubleshooting common plant ailments to providing guidance on watering schedules, light requirements, and appropriate potting mediums. Whether you're struggling with yellowing leaves, drooping stems, or just need some advice on how to help your plant thrive, we're here to help.

Drop in with your queries, or simply bring your plant in for a 'check-up'. It's a wonderful opportunity to deepen your understanding of plant care, share your own tips and experiences, and connect with a community of fellow plant lovers.

No need to book a slot, just turn up with your questions or plants.


Unit 11 Gedling Street
Nottingham , NG1 1DS

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