Barry Steele’s Roy Orbison Story Anniversary Special


At Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall

Price £31 - £35.5
Times 19:00

Experience the unforgettable sound of a generation with Barry Steele alongside an extraordinary ensemble of talented musicians and singers. Together they pay homage to the timeless music of Roy Orbison and his friends.

When it comes to authenticity and true musical mastery, there’s only one name you need to know: Barry Steele.

Barry Steele has been touring nationally and internationally for 21 years to rave reviews. He has performed in New Zealand, America, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Belgium and has duetted with the Co-writer of Oh! Pretty Woman – The late Bill Dees. He has also performed in front of Wesley Orbison.

Barry is also authorised by Orbison Enterprises to sell official Orbison merchandise.


Theatre Square, Nottingham

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