Elkie Brooks - the Long Farewell Tour

Sunday 28 June 2026

At Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall

Price £39 - £47
Times 19:30

Having started her career in music in 1960, a remarkable 64 years of performing live, Elkie Brooks will embark upon her ‘Long Farewell Tour’.

A celebration of Elkie’s illustrious award winning career in music, performing some of her biggest hits including Pearl’s A Singer, Lilac Wine, Fool (If You think It’s Over) Don’t Cry Out Loud, Blues, Rock, Jazz & material from her eagerly anticipated new album. Joined of course by her incredible band.

An exceptional performer with an unmistakable voice which has earned her the title of ‘British Queen Of Blues’. Elkie never fails to captivate her audience.

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Theatre Square, Nottingham

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