Paradise - Billy Fury 40th Anniversary Concert


At Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall

Price £34.5 - £0
Times 19:30

40 years after his untimely death in 1983, U.K rock icon Billy Fury is remembered in a spectacular celebration. The Sound of Fury like never heard before!

A calling for older teenagers to re-live those fabulous years of 1960’s. Billy’s original guitarist Chris Raynor, guest vocalists – plus the voice of Billy Fury join The English Philharmonic Orchestra  [conducted by Ben Crick]  for hit after hit! – Last Night Was Made For Love, Wondrous Place, A Thousand Stars, Halfway To Paradise, Like I’ve Never Been Gone, Jealousy” & many more!

By the late 60’s, Fury was reduced to playing clubs with a small 3 piece band, which saddened his guitarist. With a love for Billy, & accompanied by the English Philharmonic Orchestra, Billy’s music comes alive again!

Theatre Square, Nottingham

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