That Night In Manchester

Sunday 28 September 2025

At Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall

Price £29.5 - £0
Times 19:00

Written with over 50 years of experience ‘That Night in Manchester’ is a brand new theatre production regaling the audience with a nostalgic and often emotional journey through the heady days of the Manchester indie scene.

This show will take you on a journey through time, back to the vibrant and exhilarating MADCHESTER era as you follow a father recount his highs and lows through his own personal life and struggles in Manchester during the 70’s 80’s and 90’s to his son.

His story is flawlessly recreated and the distinctive sounds of Manchester’s 70’s 80’s and 90’s music scene is the backdrop to his life, from the rise of the legendary Haçienda and acid house parties, to Spike Island and Oasis’s iconic concert at Knebworth.

The show also includes a behind the scenes, under the skin account of the bands, record companies and iconic venues that made up this pivotal period in music history.

That Night in Manchester Listing Image-122743.jpg

Theatre Square, Nottingham

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