The 37 Plays - Reading Act 1


At Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall

Price Free
Times 19:30

Booking required


An evening of readings from The RSC’s 37 Plays Project. To open the evening, extracts from Chris Hendry’s Juliet and Joe will be read by community performers. This play was submitted to the 37 Plays Project. The second part of the evening is a full reading of the play Momentary Masters by Jacob Thomas, which was one of the final 37 plays selected by The Royal Shakespeare Company. In Momentary Masters, Shawn, an ex-astrophysics professor, is the president of the Sagan Amateur Astronomy Club, where the latest discoveries in space are supposed to be discussed. In reality, most of the time is spent listening to Shawn’s pessimistic views on humanity and the Earth.

When the club enters a competition, offering the chance for five people from an astronomy club to go to space and orbit the moon, a debate is started as to whether space tourism is justifiable. Divisions begin to form in the group. Will any of them ever go to space? Or will they just prove Shawn correct, that humans are greed-driven and self-interested? Momentary Masters was submitted to the RSC’s 37 Plays Competition and was successfully chosen as one of the 37 Plays. Full details of the 37 Plays Project


Theatre Square, Nottingham

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