Two Pints Podcast - Live! With Will Mellor & Ralf Little

Friday 21 November 2025

At Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall

Price £33.5 - £39
Times 19:30

Following two sell-out tours of their hugely successful Two Pints podcast Will Mellor and Ralf Little are hitting the road again with their laugh-out-loud banter for the brand-new November Nonsense: Two Pints Podcast Live tour.

Most recently seen on TV screens together sharing their comedic adventures in Will and Ralf Should Know Better, the pair continue to entertain the nation weekly with their antics and infectious wit in their Two Pints podcast.

And now they are bringing that uproarious comedy to theatres for a third time.

Ralf said: “We absolutely love going on tour, being on stage is such a buzz and with the crowd we have a right laugh, November can’t come soon enough.”

Will added: “Me and Ralf live on stage again, what could possibly go wrong!?!


Theatre Square, Nottingham

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