Playing With Poetry: Seeing the World Through Viking Rhymes


At Toton Library

Price Free
Times 10:00 - 12:30

The Vikings, usually thought of as warriors, also had a soft spot for poetry and a close relationship with the natural world. In particular, they used miniature riddles known as kennings to present the world in new and unusual ways, for example comparing people to trees, or ships to horses.


Drop in to Toton Library to learn about Viking poetry and kennings. In this family-friendly event, volunteers will perform Viking poetry in costume. You can try your hand at deciphering some genuine Viking kennings and then learn how to make your own. There will be multiple sources of inspiration: you can use our collection of reproduction Viking artefacts, or head out into the nature reserve on a kenning scavenger hunt! There will be prizes for the best kennings (adult and under-12s) and you will be able to make a badge so that you can wear either your own kenning or a genuine Viking Age one.


This event is part of the University of Nottingham's festival Hub programme.


If you are interested in this event, then you may also be interested in other literature and writing events Nottingham Hub has to offer:


“Making a World of my Own!”: Writing and Experimentation (10th November, 17:30 - 21:00)

Shakespeare's Bears: Animals in Shakespearean Drama (11th November 19:00 - 21:00)

Timber! Creative Writing, Poetics, and Feminism (14th November 18:30 - 20:30)


Find out more through the links.

Toton Library, Stapleford Lane, Toton
Nottingham , NG9 6GA

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