Introduction to Immersive Technology Workshop
This workshop is for businesses that have not already received 12 hours or more of support from the Leadd:ng project.
Date: 25th May
Time: 10am - 4pm
Snapshot: your last chance to receive valuable support from the Leadd:ng team before we close at the end of June 2023.
Event Overview
You can achieve a lot in just a few hours with our Leadd:ng experts!
Spend half a day with Leadd:ng developers to learn about new digital and immersive tech in our new Virtual & Immersive Production (VIP) studio.
Technology options:
16 camera Vicon motion capture system
10 camera Scatter Volumetric Capture system
Faceware Mark IV facial performance capture system
Tesla suit motion capture and haptic feedback suits
State of the art?Varjo XR3 mixed reality headset
Meta quest 2 headsets
Holograms, 3D and Human Scale
Industry standard movie cameras and lighting
After completion of the event, we will 3D print your very own company logo keyring (free of charge). *You will need to supply a vector drawing in order for us to create the 3d print. Only a limited amount available.
You can also choose one other workshop - booking links separately.
Choose support in the following areas:
1. Business Development Plan: Create a business development plan for your business or artistic practice (Elena). Work in small groups with our Leadd:ng expert to develop your bespoke plan. (Choose Wednesday 31st May or Friday 2nd June - we will arrange over email once you have registered for the event)
Booking Link:
2. Audience Development Plan: Build an audience development plan to increase engagement and reach new communities. Discover new methods for involving and interacting with your audience. 15th May
Booking Link:
3. Prototype Development: Sketch up a Prototype with the support of a Leadd:ng developer. Spend time developing a business/creative practice idea with one of our LEADD:NG experts and leave with a paper prototype ready to be taken forward for any relevant funding opportunities (date: can be arranged at a suitable time for you).
Booking Link:
Complimentary coffee and pastries will be provided.
You will need to be a small to medium sized business (registered sole trader/artist/performer) based in Nottinghamshire or Derbyshire.
This workshop is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020. The workshop is classed as State Aid under De Minimis to participating businesses but is delivered completely free of charge.