Giles Kristian In Conversation With Adam Lofthouse


At Waterstones

Price £4 - £22
Times 18:30

Join us for an evening with Giles Kristian as we celebrate the release of his new book, Arthur! Giles will be in conversation with Adam Lofthouse, author of The Path of Nemesis trilogy. 


'In our darkest time, when we need him most, shall he come again.'

Years have passed since the clash of shieldwalls echoed across the land. The Saxons are now the lords of Britain. And yet the bards still sing of Arthur.

Old Beran has no love of bards' songs. Nor of people, unless they are paying him to steal or kill. He is a mercenary, in the employ of the cutthroat Nabor ap Nabor, and he has been ordered to murder a boy fleeing a burning city. No ordinary boy either. No, this boy is the son of King Constantine and the grandson of High King Ambrosius. And he could be the hope of Britain . . . if he lives.

Betraying his companions and returning to a world he thought he had left forever, Beran gives his word that he will take the boy to the one place that still holds out against the Saxons: Camelot.

As they make their way across a hostile land, they will seek the help of Guivret, called the Little King, and the Saracen, Palamedes, who once rode beneath Arthur's banner. And they will meet the runaway lovers, Tristan and Isolde.

Hunted by Saxons, Nabor ap Nabor, and Queen Morgana, this unlikely band must fight for their lives and for each other. For if there's to be any hope for Britain, Beran must deliver the boy to Camelot. But to do that, he must also face his own past . . .


Giles will talk about his new book before an audience Q&A and book signing.


 Giles Kristian is an international prize-winning and Sunday Times bestselling author. His novels have sold over a million copies and have been translated around the world. He co-wrote the international no.1 bestseller Golden Lion with Wilbur Smith, and his Viking novel, God of Vengeance, was a Times Book of the Year. Lancelot, his re-imagining of the Arthurian myth, was a Times and Sunday Times bestseller and is currently in development for TV. His latest novel, a thriller called Where Blood Runs Cold, won the Wilbur Smith Adventure-Writing Prize 2022.

Adam Lofthouse has for many years held a passion for the ancient world. As a teenager he picked up Gates of Rome by Conn Iggulden, and has been obsessed with all things Rome ever since. After ten years of immersing himself in stories of the Roman world, he decided to have a go at writing one for himself. He lives in Kent, UK

Follow Adam on Twitter: @AdamPLofthouse

Find him on Facebook:

Or Instagram: adamplofthouse

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