Music Of Charlie Parker - Featuring Alan Barnes


At West Bridgford Library

Price £13
Times 19:30 - 21:30

Virtuoso on alto, Alan Barnes channels Charlie Parker's music, backed by the house band trio from Peggy's Skylight

Alto saxophonist Charlie Parker was one of the most important figureheads in the development of jazz music, a pioneer of the ‘bebop’ style. Here, virtuoso musician Alan Barnes channels Parker’s music, ably backed by the house band from Peggy's Skylight, with Paul Deats (piano) Martyn Spencer (double bass) and Andrew Wood (drums)

A firm favourite of Nottingham audiences, Alan is also a lively raconteur, well able to place Parker's musical influences in historical context on great tunes such as Yardbird Suite, Anthropology & Moose The Mooche.

Alan Barnes' “... stylistic range is quite phenomenal [with] a wonderful capacity for suggesting a given style without actually imitating anyone” – Dave Gelly

Alan Barnes CParker Visit Notts 2024-114428.png (1)

Bridgford Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham

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