Watch a new short film made in Nottingham by a local cast and crew about a young woman whose ill father who self-medicates with cannabis. When school bullies discover her dad's medicine is homegrown, Rhea quickly learns that sharing is not always caring...
This film was directed by Jack Curtis and produced by Greg Lonsdale. In his Directors statement Jack says: "I wanted to tell this story because I am passionate about medical cannabis and widening the conversation around it. I have personally witnessed transformations in loved ones where cannabis has aided their medical recoveries, and in a sadder case, witnessed the dying days of a friend made more comfortable and bearable as a result of its use. I believe that the prohibition of cannabis in the UK needs to be reassessed and attitudes need to change in ways similar to what's happening in Canada and the United States."
The cast includes Television Workshop pupils from Nottingham including Lola Wood (Rhea), Angel May-Webb (Bully), Kyra Fowler (Bully) and Ellie Daley (Bully).
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