Best Of Matthey Jay

Monday 16 August 2004
reading time: min, words
What can you do when you lose someone who meant the world to you?

Matthew Jay"What can you do when you lose someone who meant all of the world to you?  How do you find meaning in each day? We look at all Matthew gave us during his 25 years on earth and we are thankful for all the love we shared. We see all that Matthew has left behind during his short life. We cherish his memory and will help it live on. And we ourselves are given strength and courage to go on."
Tony and Hilary Jay, Matthews Parents

'Too Soon', a compilation of music from singer-songwriter Matthew Jay, is being released as the first anniversary approaches of his tragic death. People from all over the world have been deeply touched by Matthew's music and their wishes and those of Matthew's family to keep his music alive have seen this project become reality following hudreds of tributes on

Emails to Matthew's website indicate that many fans were unable to obtain copies of Matthews EPs and Singles. We wish to celebrate Mathew's life in the best way possible and make his music available to all who want it.

Matthew's family knew how much creating music meant to Matthew and wish to do all they can to bring Matthew's unreleased music to the public. Additionally they are planning a further album of completely new material that Matthew was working on at the time of his death.

The lead track 'Louie' has special significance to Matthew's mother Hilary, who had a premonition of his death two weeks before she lost her dearly loved son. Matthew would never have intentionally broken his mothers heart.

One day we will all learn the truth about that night but until then, just listen to the words of this song. Hilary Jay, August 2004.

Also included is 'Sunday' featuring Matthew's brother Eddy on accordian played in his own amazing and unique style. It was performed at Glastonbury in June 2000 with a fantastic reception. Additionally rare remixes from Bent and Fug will also feature on the release

The enigmatic artwork on he album front created by Eddy Jay contains more than seen a first glance. Fans are encouraged to post their thoughts on what the artwork offers to them by posting on A prize will be awarded for those closest to the truth

Released with the permission of EMI Recordings Matthew Jay's . . . too soon is available exclusively through from Monday 23rd August.

Matthew Jay R.I.P.

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