Big Grin Festival

Tuesday 06 July 2004
reading time: min, words
Nottingham's Annual Cartoon Festival returns this weekend, with 2DTV along for the ride

Arri G - 2DTV

The Annual Big Grin Cartoon Festival is taking place in Nottingham this weekend and the people behind ITV's 2DTV are along for the ride.

The irreverent cartoon caricature show, which is currently gearing up for it's fifth series will be contributing images for display in Broadway's Mezz gallery as part of The Big Grin's third year providing the UK's foremost forum for cartoon fun.


As well as the exclusive original artwork used in the series, visitors to the festival will get the chance to view classic material from 2DTV's back catalogue, which should include traditional topical targets such as The Royal Family, Blair, Bush and The Beckham's.


Of course, the celebrities aren't hogging all the glory as visitors to The Big Grin can get in on the fun themselves by walking away with their very own cartoon caricature which are being offered free of charge throughout the weekend's proceedings!


The Big Grin On Broad StreetLocal cartoonist and festival organiser Pete Dredge says, It's been a big coup for The Big Grin to be able to put on a display of 2DTV artwork and working drawings from this award winning animation team. The combination of topical cartooning and the latest cutting-edge animation techniques has made this innovative, pacy production team the natural successors to the 80's Spitting Image programme."

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