Competition: The Vaccines at Capital FM Arena

Monday 09 November 2015
reading time: min, words
Do you like a bit of Post Break-Up Sex? Do you fancy getting fanceh for a night? Yeah - then step this way...
alt text

On Friday 20 November, The Vaccines are coming to the Capital FM Arena and you – yes, you – could be in with a chance of winning a pair of tickets to go see them. Where’s the fancy bit? If you win, you get the Hospitality Experience which includes… *drumroll*

  • Feel like you’re summat and enjoy the show from the luxury of a viewing balcony with panoramic views of the Arena
  • Be waited on throughout the show like you were born with a silver spoon in your gob, with a full waiter/waitress service
  • Sod queueing up with access to the exclusive VIP bar area; before, during and thirty minutes after the show

All you have to do is drop us an email ([email protected]) by Sunday 15 November at 11.59pm and we will pop your name in to our imaginary, magical gig competition winning hat. 

The Vaccines, Capital FM Arena, Friday 20 November, 7.30pm, £28

The Vaccines website

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