Found Footage Favourites

Thursday 16 April 2015
reading time: min, words
Nick Prueher reveals the weirdest three videos him and Joe Pickett picked up when rifling through charity shop VHS collections

Dancing with Frank Pacholski
Perhaps the weirdest video we've ever found, "Dancing with Frank Pacholski" is a 1999 cable access show from Los Angeles that only aired twice before being pulled off the air. We actually hired a private detective to track this guy down, paid a lot of money to fly across the country and interview him, and we left with more questions than we arrived with.

Carnival in Rio with Arnold Schwarzenegger
Before he was a movie star, before we was a governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger was just an ordinary body builder with a penchant for lechery. A production company sent him over to Rio during Carnival, hired a couple of Brazilian escorts for him and said, "Go nuts!" We played this video in California in 2006 and a lady came up afterward and told us she worked for the Governor Schwarzenegger's office and his assistant was trying to have every copy of this destroyed. "But between you and me," she said, "good job."

Chef Keith
Technically not found footage, we actually orchestrated this fake chef prank on breakfast TV shows in the States last fall using our expertise from watching hundreds of hours of awkward videos. We aimed to make the most awkward television appearances we could by making gross concoctions on-air and asking the hosts to try them. Four out of five of them did! We have big plans for a new prank this year.

Found Footage Festival hits Broadway Cinema on Tuesday 21 April, 8.30pm, £10.

Found Footage Festival website

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